ZwycięZcy creative business cup poland 2023
Z wielką radością ogłaszamy wyniki konkursu Creative Bussines Cup Poland 2023 

Ogólnopolski finał konkursu wygrała spółka MUZAIC
MUZAIC to aplikacja dostarczająca skomponowaną na żywo, najwyższej jakości muzykę. Startup Muzaic będzie reprezentował Polskę na międzynarodowym finale konkursu Creative Bussines Cup w Kopenhadze.
W czasie wydarzenia wyróżnienia otrzymały również spółki:
MEDOO – to platforma edukacyjna, oferująca dostęp do ogromnego repozytorium, usprawniająca naukę studentom medycyny. Startup otrzymał aż trzykrotne wyróżnienie przyznane przez partnerów wydarzenia
CO TO – aplikacja dla osób niewidomych i niedowidzących, pomagająca w samodzielnych zakupach.
CHOICER– aplikacja do rejestrowania wyborów konsumenckich na podstawie wieku, płci i zainteresowań.
BESPOKEY – modułowe szelki dla dzieci z wadami postawy, które wymagają korekcji deformacji kręgosłupa.
MAGLY – platforma do tworzenia atrakcji hotelowych w formie interaktywnych gier edukacyjnych angażujących całe rodziny.
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top 15
Dziękujemy za wszystkie zgłoszenia przesłane do konkursu Creative Bussines Cup Poland 2023.
Gratulujemy 15 startupom, które przechodzą do finału konkursu!
Poniżej TOP 15 startupów, które zapraszamy na finał w dniu 22 maja:
top 15
Dziękujemy za wszystkie zgłoszenia przesłane do konkursu Creative Bussines Cup Poland 2023.
Gratulujemy 15 startupom, które przechodzą do finału konkursu!
Poniżej TOP 15 startupów, które zapraszamy na finał w dniu 22 maja:

AIMPLANT is software for the automatic design of disposable medical devices for maxillofacial surgeons. Software will be based on an anatomical database, AI and an intuitive wizard, which will be useful for doctors without engineering skills.

BESPOKEY – Modular 3D printed braces for children with posture defects who need correction of spinal deformities. Bespokey focuses on introducing the modularity of braces, allowing the body to breathe during use, improving the UX of the product, engaging modern design forms and high-quality solutions, focusing primarily on increasing the acceptance of corsets by children and adolescents.

A mobile game (Android and iOS) which transforms player’s body into controller based on camera input and AI processing. Focusing on kid’s posture defects and obesity. We want to turn the table around – treat smartphone as a solution, not as the cause. Aside from game, we’re building a web platform for remote work for physiotherapists. Platform will work both ways – as general support for everyday specialists’ work, but also as e-visit and therapy plan using Hercoolios game.

Application offers users a personalized set of venues that meet their individual requirements and preferences. ClubsMania introduces innovative features that distinguish it from the competition. This will allow for acquiring a larger number of users and creating a global community of nightlife enthusiasts.

Brainstormaker of DAXON SOLUTIONS
Brainstormaker is a platform with dedicated space to expert and mentoring support as improvement and development program, with brainstormaker functionality using possibility of approach to discuss Ideas with experts in Real time, when Mentees needs fast track to decide, in the areas of: strategic management, strategic leadership, innovativeness of the organization and personal, including especialy improvement and development of women competences in dedicated position like: Auditor, Manager, Attorney of Management Board, Head, Director.

gesture to speech
An application to support both learning and sign language interpreting. The main problems for Deaf people are: the problem of establishing a dialogue or problems with social activation. The GTS project aims to make it easier for such people to function in society.

The mechanics of the Choicer application allows you to record consumer choices based on age, gender and declared interests. The collected data is used in conducting behavioral marketing analyzes or public opinion polls. We have unlimited survey potential, allowing for much more accurate determination of consumer preferences.

co to
The application is a convenience for blind and visually impaired people. Our mission is to improve their independence, in terms of not needing a „guardian” when shopping in large and small stores. It allows to recognize and qualify the product based on the bar code technology. Which allows you to recognize whether milk is not juice.

Once you start a new business or product, you need to tell the world about it. A website is the most important thing. Comes and lets you build your websites in minutes like you would use a freelancer, but 50x faster.

MAGLY is a platform for creating modern, fully personalized hotel attractions in the form of interactive educational games that engage entire families. The first in the world IOT system infrastructure that allows easily set up interactive scenography for entertainment.

An application will deliver live composed, topquality music, that responds to your purposes, mood and body state. Muzaic Studio enables creators to compose music they need for their video clips effortlessly.

An innovative respiratory therapy device for children with speech disorders. The device uses gamification to engage and motivate children to perform exercises that improve their breathing and speech.

Educational platform for medical students, was created, offering access to a vast repository of anatomical images, inteligent algorithms, repetition questions, explanatory videos, and gamification elements to enhance learning.

STORISMA shopper
Online shop combined with advisory service. It links the distribution of both product and the service in one idea. An online fashion consulting website will be created for ordinary people, who have difficulties while shopping.

A complex application joining participants and event organizers. It is a huge base of attractions (both commercial and niche, underlining local events that are niche) where users can find and choose the most interesting activities and then quickly plan and organize these activities.